SilverMarc Quasi-Periodical Send-Sheets

You have so little time to read… I have so little time to write!

Faster Than the Sound of Light

Faster Than the Sound of Light

Ever since I started using the telephone (back when we only had to dial 7 numbers for most calls!), I knew that the person on the other end was as near as a few milliseconds away. Of course, I never thought of "milliseconds" back then - our voices were carried across...

Mack McTask – Don’t Call Me a Consultant!

Mack McTask – Don’t Call Me a Consultant!

by Marc Silverman (circa 1995) (This piece was originally written and published in 1995 for the Mac Street Journal, the New York Macintosh User Group's printed newsletter. The Internet was barely known at that time, and the term "cell phone" was yet to become part of...

Tags – Not Just For Graffiti Anymore!

Tags – Not Just For Graffiti Anymore!

Tags - Not Just For Graffiti Anymore! Bar Codes are so retro! Now we're all using QR Code tags - the little matrix of black squares and shapes that are popping up on magazine articles, food and beverage packaging, and soon, no doubt, on somebody's forehead. It's...

Show Me The Money!

Show Me The Money!

  Most people want to know where their money's coming from. Some people, however, want to know where it's going. I get to know both! There's a web site that uses the full power of the Internet, and the power of its users, to let anyone track and analyze the...

It’s My Birthday (And I’ll Lie if I Want To!)

It’s My Birthday (And I’ll Lie if I Want To!)

It's My Birthday (And I'll Lie if I Want To! New Year’s Day 2009 came in with a few added surprises: Automated birthday wishes from a couple of web sites, and even some personal birthday messages from Facebook friends who I already know in real life. But my birthday...

A No-Hype Look at Skype

A No-Hype Look at Skype

I knew about Skype – it's an online application that lets anyone make audio and video contact from computer to computer as long as each person has Skype installed and running. You could use it to make Skype "calls" to and from anywhere in the world for free. I tried...

Fly Me To Your Room

Fly Me To Your Room

Fly Me To Your Room Pictures on the Wing These days, digital photos are ubiquitous. And not only that, they're EVERYWHERE. In your cell phone, in your digital camera, in your computer, even in your iPods or other PDAs. They're everywhere for you to enjoy, but sharing...

Outdoor Fun With GPS

Outdoor Fun With GPS

Here's a hobby where all you need is a $30 billion satellite system, and a handheld GPS device. Luckily, someone lent us the satellites! Most Internet-related pastimes require us to sit at our computers far too long - games, chat rooms, weblogs, newsgroups - all...

Send-Sheets Archive