
Want to get a top ranking in search engines?

No problem! All you need to do is add a few magical “meta tags” to your web pages, and you’ll skyrocket to the top of the listings.

If only it were so easy. Let’s make it clear:

Meta tags are not a magic solution.
Meta tags are not a magic solution.
Meta tags are not a magic solution.

Meta tags have never been a guaranteed way to gain a top ranking on crawler-based search engines. Today, the most valuable feature they offer the web site owner is the ability to control to some degree how their web pages are described by some search engines. They also offer the ability to prevent pages from being indexed at all.

For the record however, I always use properly designated meta tags in the sites I build, and they do help searchers find the sites they seek. Though they won’t guarantee top-ranking, they are one of many useful ways that I use to help increase traffic to a site.

Since I’ve been asked so many times about meta tags, I found a thorough and informative article by one of the best, Danny Sullivan, a longtime computer and technology writer.

Here’s the link to read the entire article:


October 20, 2007 @ 2:00 PM