I Can’t Patella Lie – February 7, 2008

I’ve been thinking a lot about steps for the past few days. Something’s going on with my knee that causes some odd clip-clop noises when steps are involved, and some unspecified “involvement” when walking the sidewalks. And there are steps...

Super Bowl/Super Tuesday – February 5, 2008

The choice today was either stand in the rain with the maniacs for the Giants “Ticker Tape” (that is, Toilet Paper) parade, or spend a few contemplative moments with the candidates paper trail (no chads here!). New York is one of the last vestiges of the...

Heavenly Ascent – February 3, 2008

Just back from a walk on what can only be described as a “balmy” February Sunday (50° today!). Architecture in Manhattan takes many forms, the Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic Church is mid-block on 71st Street, and the street level view gives one pause to...

The Father of our Country – February 2, 2008

I’m in Princeton again today where this major monument can be found. The engraved stone on the back of this monument states: “Here memory lingers to recall the guiding mind whose daring plan outflanked the foe and turned dismay to hope when Washington with...